Let’s Talk About Coconut Butter

I don’t know about you, but I lump coconut and beets into the same category.  Cilantro probably belongs there, too.  What, you say: But Elizabeth you love coconut and cilantro and can’t stand beets.  How could you group them together?

Here’s how:  these are three foods that you either love or you hate.

Like you (I’m sure) I’ve been hearing for years that coconut is some miracle cure, and if it is, great.  If not, whatever.  I’m really hooked on this coconut butter stuff.  It’s basically coconut meat and oil pureed together to a very soft, spreadable “butter’.  It is, in a word, delicious.

As I have been eating spoonful after spoonful and bikini season is just around the corner, I’m looking for other, less gluttonous ways to eat this manna.

Please share if you have any!  Happy Memorial Day everyone!